Saturday, January 19, 2013

2 Things Challenge: Joint/Solitary

JOINT: These two have a very strong joint friendship.

SOLITARY: Kimba, an elderly lion rescued from over a decade of solitary confinement in Bolivia, speaks with a solitary voice.  He now lives at The Animal Sanctuary.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Living High off the Vegetarian Hog

One of my favorite chores to do when visiting the farm is processing goodies from the garden.  Then eating them!  There was a lot to do in November.  I wasn't thinking and started chopping jalapenos with my bare hands.  The homemade poppers were worth it, but I won't be making that mistake EVER AGAIN.

Fresh herbs

of all kinds.

Fried green tomatoes and griddle cake.

I chopped green cherry tomatoes and mixed them with bread crumbs, cheese, herbs and onions

to make savory green tomato pies.

Wish I'd written it down, it was excellent!

Cherry cream cake.

Homemade brie that my mother makes from fresh milk.


And Mr. Mosley, inspecting a bushel of chard waiting to be washed.

Like a Still From my Dream

I've had a recurring bad dream all of my life about walking around trapped in dusty old buildings.  Lots of long dim hallways, none of the doors open, furniture out of place, and I'm always alone trying to get outside.  I had a flashback while walking down this hallway in the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.  The only light came from my camera's flash.  There was a reception of some kind that was being held later that evening in this wing of the museum and so there were tables with silver decanters and buffet tables set up around various exhibits full of taxidermied animals and the usual furniture had been moved into various hallways.  Things started to feel pretty surreal.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Museum Prowling: A Glimpse of Clyfford Still

My little sister and I visited the Clyfford Still Museum in Denver this past July while she was here. Here are some (not even half) of the photos I took while we were there. I can't wait to take my dad next time he's in town! The museum is small and intimate, and designed so that you start with his earliest work and go through the collection chronologically. I thought the images were mentally mouthwatering: so much color and texture. Some of the paintings had such a sense of space to them, you would have thought you were looking through a window. Gave me goosebumps! Click on the photos to see a larger image.