Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Parental Units Paid a Visit

My folks came to visit us this past August.  They were only here for four days, but we made it to the Garden of the Gods, they visited Buffalo Bill's grave while checking out Golden (I had class), we made it to Strahnahan's Whiskey Distillery, museums.  Here are some images from the Clyfford Still museum.

The Mum and the Da.

An across the exhibit shot of Still's self portrait.

We also spent an hour at the Denver Art Museum, since it was right next door.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Learning Applied Science

Happy Nosevember to you!  So it's been a heck of a ride so far in this veterinary technician program.  I can't believe it's been a year since I was taking my pre-reqs in science and math.  Next month, I will officially be halfway through the program.  It's challenging and also a little scary.  I'm learning how to help animals, both in the medical field and also through educating their owners.  It can be very stressful and depressing, and also fun and incredibly rewarding.  Some of what I've been up to and experiencing in the past few months...*WARNING--Some medically graphic photos*